I study the world in 2D and 3D, backward and forward, using deterministic and stochastic methods.
(The * symbols below indicate joint first authors or equal contributions.)
Generating physically plausible 3D hair from a single photograph.
Capturing full-face expressions while wearing a VR HMD.
Face tracking in the presence of occlusions.
Capturing braids using a handheld Kinect.
Reconstructing physically plausible strands from multi-view hair capture.
A technique to generate level layout from connectivity graph and room templates.
An analogy-driven shape synthesis technique for style transfer and scan completion.
A general purpose method for analysis and synthesis of spatial and temporal repetitions.
A data-driven method for synthesis of element distribution.
A technique to generate motion details from texture exemplars.
A (more or less) trivial concatenation of my first 3 SIGGRAPH papers.